Monthly Archives: September 2012

Best Beet Burger


I have had the opportunity to be involved with a webinar called a More Earth Friendly Diet. I was thrilled to be apart of this great class and it has been a wonderful experience. One of the great things is that we are given recipes eat week and this was one of them. It sparked my interested immediately and I knew I needed to try it. I rarely eat beets and to be honest I can’t even remember if I have ever eaten a raw beet.
I have to admit when I had it the first time I wasn’t sure if it was for me but it really has been growing on me. It made 6 burgers and they freeze well.
If anyone interested getting involved with a great health coach or attending one webinars abby’s. This her wonderful blog and she was one of the first blogs I ever followed. She is amazing! I am sure if you scroll her blog you will fi d the recipe for this amazing burger.